By Russ Hollywood
If you are a lady trying to
achieve a leaner, toned physique in the gym there is probably one question you
have been dying to ask a trainer - Should women lift weights? Today you will
get your answer. We will also reveal what supplements to take to maximize your
results in your local gym.
The world of exercise and
fitness has moved forward incredibly quickly over the last twenty years. Every
year there are new developments in sports supplements and training methods, as
well as new scientific research on previously unproven theories. It's barely
the same world we lived in just 20 yeas ago. Yet despite all of this, there are
many people who still have the same mentality which was floating around health
clubs and gyms two decades ago.
They'll tell you that women
will get big and bulky if they touch weights. They will advise you that carbohydrates
are to be treated as the enemy. They'll ignore recent scientific proof in favor
of following routines laid out by their favorite television celebrity. Usually,
they'll also struggle to see any significant long-term results. []
The days of training that
way are long gone. So many of the old myths surrounding fitness have been
proven wrong in the last few years by scientists with a keen eye on improving
life in the gym. Yet many gym users remain unaware and continue to do the same
old things which weren't working for them in the first place.
If you have always steered
clear of the free weights section at your local gym, get ready for a minor
shock. Training with weights is actually great for you! This applies both to
women who want to get learner and also those who are prioritizing fat loss.
Resistance training is crucial and can dramatically increase your results.
But isn't it true that
you'll end up looking like a bodybuilder?
Actually, you don't even
need to be concerned about this issue. You see, obtaining a bodybuilding
physique is a lifestyle that requires a 24 hour dedication every day. You
cannot do it by simply picking up some weights and you cannot do it by
accident. Otherwise, all your male friends would look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Lifting is a crucial aspect of your training regimen if you desire to achieve
the lean, ripped look shown by many of the female athletes at the 2012 Olympic
One of the main reasons why
ladies shouldn't be concerned with the prospect of gaining a lot of muscle mass
is testosterone. Testosterone levels are severely lower in females than in
males and this factor alone is enough to squash any doubts lingering in the
back of your mind. This also squashes the myth that ladies must do high rep
sets to avoid gaining size, so feel free to pick up a weight which actually
challenges you next time.
Try to stick to compound
movements such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses and lat pulldowns for the
first couple of months. This will allow you to significantly increase your
strength, while keeping your weight sessions relatively short as you ease
yourself into your new lifting lifestyle.
A good supplement plan is
very simple. It's easy to over complicate the whole procedure here and end up
eating pills with breakfast, lunch and dinner. The truth is when you have a
solid diet in place you do not need an endless array of additional products.
Ensure you get a top whey protein, but everything else is optional. If your
goal is to build more lean muscle than you have right now then you should also
look towards adding a creatine monohydrate and glutamine product to that list.
Now you are fully aware of
what supplements to take to help you reach your goal, you can begin on your
journey to a leaner, toned physique. Furthermore, the next time you hear a lady
ask "Should women lift weights?" you can help them get away from all
of the old, unproven myths which surround this area of fitness.
About the Author:
Need Help? Russ Howe PTI
answers the question should women lift weights in the gym today. He also teaches
you what supplements to take to reach your target physique in
his latest free guide which is out right now.